Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes students from Junior Kindergarten to grade 8.
- We offer Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten, the English program with Core French, and Early French Immersion.
- After completing grade 8, students attend Nepean High School, located next door.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create an atmosphere of learning and personal enjoyment that is supportive of all students. Broadview is the doorway to learning.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page.
Welcome to Broadview! Bonjour et bienvenue à Broadview!
Broadview is located on the unceded and still unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people. We recognize their enduring presence on this land, dating back more than 8000 years. Today, we acknowledge the incredible contributions of Indigenous people in the arts, sciences and the ways in which our lives are enriched by those contributions.
Broadview provides an equitable, inclusive and supportive learning environment for our diverse community of 895 students. Our dedicated staff of teachers, early childhood educators, educational assistants, support staff and community members are committed to providing a place where students participate actively in their learning and have voice/input in their learning endeavors. The Broadview Staff is committed to continued Equity and Diversity learning and discussions/implementation of the OCDSB Indigenous, Equity and Human Rights Roadmap. We are specifically looking at the importance of identity for all students and are strongly committed to disrupt systemic and structural barriers to address disproportionate access, opportunities and outcomes for students and staff who identify as Indigenous, Black and minoritized.
Broadview has a long tradition of active parent and community involvement. We appreciate this support as we believe our community is a rich resource for our students to access in the school and directly in the community.
Broadview is truly a community school; providing each child with the opportunity to achieve his/her/their potential; educating our children to be readers and writers, to be mathematically literate, to be critical thinkers and to have a life-long love of learning. We are proud of our students' academic achievements and continue to strive to improve the quality of our instruction through our school improvement and well-being initiatives through all areas of the curriculum. We provide a safe learning community for all students. We strive to engage all learners and to provide them with voice and input into their learning communities. We are also raising our students to be citizens of the world which means helping those who are less fortunate, being equitable and compassionate.
At Broadview, we want our students to feel a warm welcome. We know that the future starts today, in our classrooms with each and every child who enters. Students, teachers, support staff, parents, School Council, and the community at large work together in promoting a true partnership that makes Broadview Community Public School everything a school should be.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our school website https://broadviewps.ocdsb.ca, to follow our twitter account @BroadviewPS1 and to read school board and school updates. We share important information, school events and student achievements through our social media. The calendar on our website is always up to date.
Our role as the administration team at the school is to advocate for each child in the school and we will always make time to meet with students or parents. We care deeply for our students and their needs while at Broadview. If you have a concern within the classroom setting, please ensure that you have discussed this with the teacher before bringing the matter to us so that you are aware of the child's and the teacher's perspective. Also, please call the school ahead of time so that we can make time to meet, allowing us to give you our full attention.
We are grateful for the opportunity to work with the students and community at Broadview Avenue P.S.!
Julie Derbyshire, Brad Sokalski, Dorothy Penney
Broadview Admin. Team
As representatives of our school population, our Student Council provides input for our school-wide events, including organizing and running our intermediate dances (making decorations, running the canteen at dances, counting the money and making the deposit, donating money to local charities).
Staff members at Broadview include teaching staff, educational assistants, office staff, early childhood educators, custodial staff, and a library technician. We are supported centrally by a psychologist, social worker, as well as a speech and language pathologist.
The staff is a blend of experienced teachers and those who are relatively new to the profession. Our support staff members are all highly qualified individuals who work as members of various teams to ensure that the school systems function effectively, and to enable our students to access support that will enhance their learning.
Broadview Public School families represent a rich diversity of people, drawing from a variety of Ottawa Centre/Ottawa West communities. The many families who are new to Canada or to Ottawa help to create a stimulating social and cultural environment for our students.
Parent volunteers are a valued and integral part of school life at Broadview. The School Council sets up and executes a variety of enriching activities and events for student participation. They also efficiently run several very productive fund-raising efforts, such as the Dance-a-thon and the spring Book Bonanza. Volunteers participate in many student activities, including arts initiatives, sports days, field trips, classroom assistance, presentations, workshops, the ski program, choirs, and much more.
We offer the following academic programs:
- Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
- English Program with Core French (Grades 1-8): Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
- Early French Immersion (Grades 1-8): In grade 1, students receive 80% of instruction in French. In grades 2-6, students receive 60% of instruction in French. In grades 7-8, students receive 50% of instruction in French.
Our teachers work closely with learning support staff to ensure the needs of all students are met. Full time Learning Support Teachers conduct academic assessments, support students in class and through booster groups and coordinate intervention from the OCDSB social worker, psychologist and speech and language pathologist.
ESL (English as a Second Language) support is provided to students in all grades,ranging from beginner to advanced levels.
Our school offers:
- A large grassy yard with safe play structures, 2 multi-purpose gymnasia, one with stage
- All classrooms have networked computers and Internet access
- Art and music rooms, Library
- Extended Day Program (before and after school)
- Nearby:
- Dovercourt Community Center with outdoor rink
- Local parks
Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility.
For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.